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Lab report of diode OR gate

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Name of the experiment: Study of diode OR gate.
Objective: To design an OR gate.
Theory: An OR gate is designed in Fig-01 using logic gates. If VA or VB or both VA and VB is at logic 1 then the diode is on and output is high. The output is taken using a LED. If both VA and VB are at logic 0 then both diodes are off and the output is at logic zero. If above situation is happened then the experiment will be verified.
Required instrument:
a)     Diode×2
b)     Resistor4.7kΩ×1
c)     LED×1
Circuit Diagram:

Fig-01: OR gate
a)     We connected the instrument very carefully according to the circuit diagram.
b)     We checked the output for various combinations of input voltages (00, 01, 10, 11)
c)     We took the data and put them on data table.

Data Table:
Low (0)
High (1)
High (1)
High (1)

Result: The output is at logic zero only when both VA and VB. In other cases the output is at logic level high. So the circuit performs the operation of OR gate. Hence the experiment is verified.
Discussion: We connected the Circuit with proper precautionary.


Unknown said...

Hey. I have one confusion. When we perform the experiment of AND and OR gate by using diodes, we make the same circuit for both cases but the results are different in shape of AND and OR truth table. How does it happen?

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